Coaches / Parents,

I know many of you are curious on what plans will be for CNR Basketball for the winter. Here’s what we can tell you as of now:

– The CNR Fall League runs from September 11th thru November 1st. As a result of COVID restrictions in St. Louis County, this league is completely taking place in St. Charles County. This league is completely full.

– Traditionally the month of November consists of two tournaments CNR Basketball would run. At this time, it’s extremely unlikely those tournaments will take place. Instead of doing the tournaments, we currently plan on running a Nov/Dec session from November 6th thru January 2nd. This will be sort of a “gap league” where our realistic hope is to get teams a few games heading into January. This won’t be a session where teams will be able to get 8 games during these two months as we simply won’t have the gym space. Registration for our Nov/Dec league will start September 21st and run thru October 5th.

– The CNR Winter League traditionally starts at the beginning of December and runs through the end of February. Our current plan is to start our “Winter League” on January 9th and run it through the end of March. The reason we are pushing our winter league back is our hope that the facilities we typically use are available by then. Whether it’s the high schools across the area or the private facilities in St. Louis County, in order to hold a winter league like we traditionally do, we obviously have to have facilities for games to take place.

– So the answer to the million dollar question everyone has of “will you be holding a Winter League”, the answer to that question is if there are gyms for games to take place in, we will have games. When will we know that answer? You will likely know if the same time we do. If St. Louis County doesn’t allow for basketball to take place, then that eliminates all of the schools and privately owned facilities we use there. If the school districts around the area don’t allow games in their gyms, then that eliminates even more space.

Therefore, if you want your teams or your kid to play this winter, let’s hope your local school district or jurisdiction allows for games to take place.

We will continue to keep you updated on the status of our winter league as information becomes available.